Discover your next hire.

Predikt's AI finds you Candidates similar to your Best Hires. Algorithmically curated pool of active and passive talent.

Innovative AI Engine which learns from your hiring patterns

Predikt's technology understands what has worked for you in the past and finds your next hire.

Traditional sourcing tools rely on keywords and boolean searches to find you a noisy list of candidates, leaving all the work to you. We train our algorithms with real world hiring patterns, so they intelligently match you with the right candidates


Instantly connect with the right passive candidates

Within a split second, we recommend you 10-15 qualified candidates

Recruiting technology has never been this powerful. Within a few minutes you will be able to find candidates, connect with them and set up interviews.


No more Boolean Keyword searching

Hire smarter, stop spending time with long keyword strings

All the existing sourcing tools offer keyword search interface, which is very cumbersome, requires long strings, does not rank candidates, and importantly, does not understand what you are exactly looking for. We take the pain out of searching, and automatically recommend top candidates.

Automation: Hire for 100's of Jobs

Using Predikt's technology, you can do months of work in a few hours

You can post 100's of Jobs on our platform and automatically get candidate recommendations. Scale your teams instantly. We maintain an algorithmically curated pool of developers, engineers, product managers, designers and other talent.

Ready to put your Recruiting on Auto-pilot?

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